Become a volunteer or help out with an event
We believe that unless members from society are involved the process of social welfare,education and environment protection will not happen.We encourage and invite individuals from society to become volunteer with us.
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Want to Volunteer Us?
Help comes in many packages
To raise necesssary funds and accept donations, contributions (cash or kind) Subscription, grants of money, securities, and property of any kind, to undertake and accept the management of transfership of any endowment, trust fund or donation not inconsistent with the objects of the Company
Volunteer to bring change
Volunteers are just ordinary people with extra-ordinary Hearts. They offer the gift of their time teach, to listen, to help, to inspire, to build, to grow, to learn.Volunteers expect no pay, yet the value of their work knows no limit. Volunteers are the people who reach out and take a hand and together make a difference that lasts a lifetime
Want to sponsor an event?
Sponsorship is a type of support given by a profit-making business to charitable event or activity of an NGO. Sponsorships may take the form of cash, free or discounted products, technical support.
Rupees Raised
Contact us to get started
Get in touch with us to get started with us and help us to bring the change in the society in India.
Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.
Email: vajahafoundation@gmail.com
Call : +91 9112755849 / +91-9021153988