
To make donations, grant endowments and otherwise assist in any form whatsoever to any person(s), organisations, public charitable institutions, companies, societies, trusts, foundations, academic or cultural institutions who have objects similar to any one or more of the objects of the company for the purpose of promoting, assisting or encouraging the carrying and achievement of such objects for the benefit of the people in general.

Giving Options

Options For Donations




Where To Give

For donations click for details

VAJAHA (Vana Jana Hakka) Foundation, Nagpur

Account no- 50200051667636


Laxminagar, Nagpur Branch

IFS Code– HDFC0003358

MICR- 440240011

Giving Options

Select a Cause to donate

  1. Social Welfare
  2. Medical Aid
  3. Environment Protection
  4. Education & Training For under previleged
  5. For Food

How can I donate

  • By Cash
  • By Cheque Payment

Other ways to donate

Individual donor

Donating to a specific need; education, food, clothing,grocery or medical care.

Business association
Companies can sponsor events services and VaJaHa Foundation, or provide direct financial support through donations.

Gifts in kind
The donation of products or services enhance our Foundation programs.

Where to Give

VAJAHA (Vana Jana Hakka) Foundation, Nagpur

Account no- 50200051667636


Laxminagar, Nagpur Branch

IFS Code- HDFC0003358

MICR- 440240011

By Cash

You may Donate Us By Cash For the cause you want to donate. Please Contact us for more details.

VAJAHA (Vana Jana Hakka) Foundation, Nagpur

Account no- 50200051667636


Laxminagar, Nagpur Branch

IFS Code- HDFC0003358

MICR- 440240011

By Check

You may donate us by cheque. The required Details are given below:-

VAJAHA (Vana Jana Hakka) Foundation, Nagpur

Account no- 50200051667636


Laxminagar, Nagpur Branch

IFS Code- HDFC0003358

MICR- 440240011


Popular Funds

Social Welfare

To build Capacities Of socially Excluded communities like women,dalits and tribals by formulating & strenthening Community Based Organization.


Education & Training Purpose

To establish, acquire, run, maintain, grant aid mfacilitate placement,to help adolescents and youth in deciding right educational and career path through various personality development  programs.

Environment Protection

To work as a liaison between government and common people by helping government in propagating and promoting various social legislations like WildLife Act, Forest Rights Act.


About Your Donations, Where & How They are used

donation is a gift for  Charity, Humanitarian aid, or to benefit a cause. A donation may take various forms, including Money, services, or goods such as Food. A donation may satisfy medical needs.

Donations are given without return consideration.

An act of kindness lasts long. It gives you a feeling of satisfaction and fulfilment, apart from giving underprivileged children a chance to improve their circumstances and lessen the hardships that they face in their daily lives. Donating to NGOs that work for the cause of people with limited means is the best way to do your bit for the society as a whole. 

Where does my money go

Your donation goes to VaJaHa Founation. It will be used to achieve our goals  – including social welfare, Training and education, environment protection, To promote don’t waste food campaign, and to deal with other issues of society, etc.

By funding Our VaJaHa Foundation, you create different types of impact in the society.

what are the other modes of payment available

Donations by cash, by cheque can be made tn our foundation. Organisations that are interested to donate to our work can write to us at

How my small contribution will bring change

Your small contribution will help us to achieve the goal of the foundation and also will help us to bring change in the society.

What is the vision of VaJaHa foundation

To identify & strengthen local leaders and promote them into Panchayat Raj Institutions.

To build network of like minding organisations to support and advocate struggle of socially excluded communities.

To establish,maintain vocational training institutions, facilitate placement in appropriate jobs, to help adolescents and youth in deciding right educational and career path through various personality development and career guidance programs.

To conduct research and document culture, biodiversity conservation of local or indigenous group.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.


"Vithai",Plot.No.16 Akashnagar,Manewada Ring Road,Behind Shrikrupa Hardware,Nagpur-440034

Call Us: +91-9112755849, +91-9021153988